At Lawrence Technological University, we understand that transparency and clarity regarding expenses are crucial for prospective students. Here’s a breakdown of the expenses you can anticipate during your academic journey:

Item Description
Credits Each course at Lawrence Technological University is assigned a specific number of credits, representing the workload and academic value of the course.
Tuition Fee per Year The tuition fee covers the cost of academic instruction and support services provided by the institution. This fee is calculated on a per-year basis and varies depending on the program of study.
Living Expenses per Year Living expenses encompass costs associated with accommodation, food, transportation, utilities, and personal expenses. These expenses are estimated based on the average cost of living in the area where the institution is located.
Other Expenses Other expenses may include health insurance, books and supplies, technology fees, and miscellaneous costs related to academic and personal needs.

Total Amount for I20:

For international students applying for an I20, the total amount required includes the sum of tuition fees, living expenses, and other expenses for one academic year.

Expenses Per yr Amount
Tuition Fee $ 26,880 USD (Approx.)
Expenses Per yr Amount
Tuition Fee $ 26,880 USD (Approx.)
Living Expenses $ 14,000 USD (Approx.)
Other Expenses $ 2,700 USD (Approx.)

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Admission Requirements

Upon receiving your admission letter from Lawrence Technological University, it is imperative to promptly fulfill two key requirements. Firstly, submitting the specified deposit amount confirms your commitment to enrollment and secures your place for the upcoming academic term. Secondly, arranging for your official transcripts to be directly sent to the university from your previous educational institutions ensures that your academic achievements and qualifications are accurately documented. Adhering to these steps in a timely manner facilitates a seamless transition into your academic journey at Lawrence Technological University..To be considered for admission, applicants must meet the following requirements:

Requirement Name Required Score
Evaluation Evaluation of applicant's academic background Not Required.
Backlogs No more than 12 backlogs during the entire academic career
15 Years Education Completion of 15 years of formal education Accepted.
Degree Certificate & Provisional/Course Completion:
  • In sealed envelopes to be attested by The Registrar of University/Controller of Exams
  • Provisional/Course completion Certificate required for final year students.
  • Original attestation on Photocopy
Individual Mark Statements and Consolidated All Memos:
  • In sealed envelopes to be attested by The Registrar of University/Controller of Exams.
  • Only Consolidated mark sheet will not be accepted.
  • Original attestation on Photocopy
10+2 /Equivalent Mark Sheet:
  • In sealed envelopes to be attested by the College Principal/Technical Board.
  • Original attestation on Photocopy
10th /Equivalent Mark Sheets:
  • In sealed envelopes to be attested by The School Principal.
  • Original attestation on Photocopy
IELTS / TOEFL / Duolingo Score Card:
  • Official reporting should be done by the Student
  • Photocopy
Statement of Purpose (Approx. 750 words):
  • Hard and Soft copy
Bank Certificate:
  • Original letterhead of bank with the a/c no. / a/c holder name / Amount in INR and US $
Affidavit of Support:
  • Signed by the Sponsor & every university has its own affidavit
  • Original
Passport – First and Last Page (2 pages):
  • Photocopy
Photograph – Colour:
  • Passport size
Other Certificates – Extra Curricular Activities:
  • Photocopy
  • Duly signed
  • Hard and Soft copy
Experience Letter:
  • Required if more than 6 months gap / showing experience in resume
  • Photocopy

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